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Quisque sollicitudin

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Morbi sed porttitor

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Morbi sed porttitor

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Our Featured Services

Aliquam tincidunt

Praesent sagittis

Donec vel justo id

Tranquil Intentions is an embodiment of all the right energy. We search for the ethical crystals and gems so you don’t have to search for them yourself. It has always been our desire to help everyone surround themselves with the right kind of energy needed to attract love, favour and maintain tranquility.

Tranquil intentions ’s mission is to educate & offer alternative methods of healing through spiritual and metaphysical products and services. Through an e-commerce experience, SVC provides affordable high quality, and high vibration products. We aspire to spread peace and positivity with our products and education that will not only create a movement but will become a lifestyle filled with tranquility.

Are you someone who enjoys all things spiritual, metaphysical and holistic?
Are you that person who is always wearing your crystals, burning your incense, and carrying out sacred rituals? Or, are you someone who is new to the whole spiritual lifestyle and you are in need of some trusted assistance?

If you answered yes to any of these, then tranquil intentions is the perfect place for you!

Tranquil train offers an all exclusive membership group, masterclasses and guides, along with The Ultimate Spiritual Course to strengthen you on your spiritual journey!