set of 7 Chakra Set

set of 7 Chakra Set


  • USD: $60.98

This listing is for one (1) 21 piece tumbled set.

You will be hand-selected stones for your set!


  • USD: $60.98

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Product Description

This listing is for one (1) 7 piece set.

What’s included:
Clear quartz, amethyst, sodalite, Green aventurine ,rose quartz, red jasper, carnelian.

Rose Quartz : calming crystal, believed to encourage love, acceptance and stability. In crystal healing rose quartz is linked to the heart chakra. The heart chakra is associated to promote calmness and serenity. Also balances the Ying Yang energy

Carnelian-opens, heals, and activates the Root, Sacral, and Solar Plexus Chakras.

Citrine : associated with the sacral chakra. This chakra is vital for creativity and manifestation. An alert sacral chakra is important to awaken one’s abilities and creative imagination. attracts wealth, prosperity and success.

Sodalite : resonates with energy that stimulates the Throat Chakra, the voice of the body. It is, in essence, a pressure valve that allows the energy from the other chakras to be expressed.

Amethyst : Amethyst is a protective stone with focus on higher vibrations and balancing energy. In crystal healing amethyst is linked to third eye chakra, activates spiritual awareness, opens intuition and enhances psychic abilities. helpful in purifying the mind and clearing negative thoughts, stress and anxiety. The centre of our perception and command.

Clear Quartz : focusing on the crown chakra “the master healer” draws off all kinds of negative energies ,give access to higher states of consciousness and mindfulness to clear and focus the mind.

Red Jasper :focusing on the root chakra , the “supreme nurturer”. It sustains and supports through times of stress, helps you stay grounded and brings tranquility and wholeness.

Average dimensions of stones: 0.75″ – 1″
An organza baggy is also included so you can pick your favourites and carry with you!

The set comes in a cardboard box with a clear top.

Each order is packaged with love and care.